Speaking Opportunities

Speakers Bureau

Several men and women from our URM Speakers Bureau are available to share the Union Rescue Mission story and to inform and enlighten civic groups, churches, schools, and other groups, on hunger, homelessness and poverty, and the impact the Union Rescue Mission is making.

Topics include presentations on how the Union Rescue Mission collaborates with various community partners, is unique from other homeless agencies; how the URM is actually changing lives of the homeless through our various life-change programs, as well as topics of homelessness, addiction, poverty, and volunteer opportunities at the Union Rescue Mission.

Of special interest to middle school & high school groups, the representatives in our Speakers Bureau can also speak on the use of drugs and alcohol that leads to a life of crime, poverty and homelessness.

We can customize our presentations for your needs, from 12-minute overviews, and 20-30 minute presentations, to provide training on how to effectively respond to those in need, as well as providing information booths at volunteer fairs, missions fairs, as well as other trade shows.

To schedule a Union Rescue Mission representative to speak to your group, call David Hodge at (316) 687-4673 or email him at davidhodge@urmwichita.org.