COVID-19 Current Updates

Updated March 20, 2023

The Union Rescue Mission believes that health and safety are essential to Rescue, Recovery, Restoration and Re-Engagement.  With that in mind, we strive to create a clean, healthy environment for our staff, guests and volunteers.  To do that we:

  1.  Provide guidance to shelter guests, and staff on what protocols are currently being called for.
  2. On site testing at the discretion of supervisors or medical respite staff.
  3. Access to hand sanitizer and masks as needed or requested.
  4. Practicing social distancing as practically as possible.
  5. Communicating with local, state and Federal  health department employees to make sure we are complying with the recommendations provided.


If you are planning a visit to the URM to volunteer, drop of donations or take a tour, feel free to call us at 316-687-4673 or email and we can give you the latest protocols we are using!